We Are All Guilty

With ample blame for the financial crisis having been directed toward banks and Government (some of us would say a little too much toward the former and not enough toward the latter), Dalrymple, writing in The New English Review, points an accusatory finger at a culprit that has thus far mostly escaped any blame: all the rest of us. J’accuse!

He notes that “scores of millions” have “spent well beyond their means” and have borrowed as if “they could merely walk away” from their debts. To the extent that Government is to blame, not only for recklessly encouraging home ownership but also for nonstop budget deficits, I think we could also blame the general public, for clearly these weren’t policies that were foisted upon a resisting public.

Read the essay here

2 thoughts on “We Are All Guilty

  1. David Barker

    A typically excellent analysis- as well as a hilarious closing sentence! Yes, as Dalrymple points out, it’s not in the interest of governments in democratic countries to draw attention to flaws in the electorate (although the more courageous of them should always endeavour to do so, where appropriate), but I’ve been surprised at how few disinterested parties have been willing to make the case against everyday indulgence. It seems the ‘weak’ are now perfect everywhere and for all time, while those in power are to blame for absolutely everything. If it weren’t for the opportunity to extort public funds, I’d be surprised if anyone went into politics…

  2. Steve

    Very true, David. Perhaps conservatives’ unhappiness with the Western elite, although completely justified, prevents us from criticizing the general public when they deserve it.


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