David Cameron’s Big Lie

The good doctor returns to City Journal with a withering review of David Cameron’s memoir as well as the man himself. Another classic Theodore Dalrymple essay.

For a man to have been at the peak of political power for six years and to have written a 700-page memoir without a single arresting thought or amusing anecdote, without giving any insight into the important people he has met, and without displaying any interest in, let alone knowledge of, history, philosophy or higher culture, is an achievement of a kind. If banality can startle, Mr. Cameron’s banality startles — because of the position he once occupied. The average barroom bore is Doctor Johnson by comparison. It is only in its vacuity that David Cameron’s memoir achieves significance. It thereby tells us something about both modern politics and the state of education in Britain: for in the latter respect, Mr. Cameron is the product of the elite of the elite. This in itself is reason for the profoundest pessimism.

One thought on “David Cameron’s Big Lie

  1. Paul

    I’d like to see a Theodore dalrymple book just with his reviews of political memoirs or political legacies. I still consider his Tony Blair essay the best he’s ever written.


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