Brexit’s Complicated Aftermath

Dalrymple’s first column in the aftermath of the Brexit vote is at City Journal, where he writes about the uncertainty of the near future. Will Great Britain breakup? Will the UK? Or conversely, given the reaction of many British politicians, will Brexit even happen?

The House of Commons is not constitutionally bound by the results, and most members of Parliament support remaining in the European Union. They could argue, not without plausibility, that a vote representing no more than three-eighths of the total electorate isn’t quite the groundswell of opinion that should be required for fundamental change. If they acted on this argument, however, violence might erupt.

One thought on “Brexit’s Complicated Aftermath

  1. mike boon

    I was horrified at the outcome of this-for our 40 year (in good times and bad) relations with Europe and for the future of our own UK
    The mantra “Britain has decided and the instructions given must be followed” is quite untrue.
    England and Wales have (for various reasons) voted to leave but Britain is more than these two.Scotland and Northern Ireland have voted to remain.
    So (in my view) no clear mandate has been given to anyone
    Does anyone seriously believe that a future on our two islands (including the Republic) with bits respectively in and out of the EC is realistic?


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