The Boots of H.G. Wells

The March issue of New English Review features Theodore Dalrymple’s essay on H.G. Wells’ misguided socialism, his own memories of the footwear of his childhood, as well as little Theodore’s footballing days.

To end, however, on a personal note. I still suffer from a certain kind of misery of footwear, or absence of footwear. I have only one recurring dream, or only one recurring dream that I remember. It is this: that I leave the house for an important meeting, fully dressed except for my feet which are bare. The weather in wet and I can feel my feet are freezing. But instead of turning back, I continue; I appear at the meeting barefoot. I am cold, miserable and humiliated when I wake and realise it is only a dream, and that my feet are actually perfectly warm. I could interpret it, but I won’t.

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