New book: The Wheelchair and Other Stories

Dalrymple has just written another new collection of short stories, and the book is available on Amazon sites worldwide. The Wheelchair and Other Stories is his fifth collection since he began embracing the genre in 2017. The book features eight stories that touch on themes both topical and timeless. A good example is “Getting to the Roots,” in which a teenage girl promotes a utopian political cause with terrifying sincerity:

Felicia wrote a letter to the main newspaper of humane opinion, pointing out our ignorant and unthinking cruelty to vegetables, especially root vegetables. It created quite a stir, and there was a small flurry of letters of support. The National Association of Potato Growers wrote an attempted rebuttal, but of course all denials go to show just how well-founded accusations are, otherwise they wouldn’t be advanced. At first Felicia was elated, but before long it dawned on her that the sale of potatoes, carrots, parsnips and turnips (she hated swedes) had hardly decreased, if it had at all. Something more would have to be done if all this avoidable suffering were to be reduced.

The Wheelchair and Other Stories is available here to US readers and here to those in the UK.

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