Category Archives: Interviews

Slouching Towards Vichy: An Interview with Theodore Dalrymple by Bernard Chapin

Writer Bernard Chapin has conducted another interview with Dalrymple, this time for Pajamas Media. By my count, this is the fourth such interview by Chapin, who always does a great job getting to the heart of Dalrymple’s thoughts. This interview covers many of the topics raised in Dalrymple’s new book The New Vichy Syndrome (from Roger Kimball’s Encounter Books), which as Chapin notes differs from the work of other conservative writers on the subject of Europe and immigration:

Bernard Chapin: In terms of tone, your work is downright optimistic in regards to the effects of mass European Muslim migration. This makes it a contrarian view among conservatives. Mark Steyn’s best-seller, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, paints a far grimmer picture. Is it possible that all the concerns over a coming Islamic EU are overblown?

Dr. Dalrymple: I am not downright optimistic, but more nuanced. I think the problem lies at least as much with us as with them. By our cowardice, often inadvertently, we support and encourage Islamism. There are many stories of Christmas decorations being taken down, no reference to Christmas being made in case they should offend, etc., when no demand from the Muslim population that these things should be done has actually been made. It is, if you like, an anticipatory cringe that encourages the extremists to push a little harder at what they think is a half-open door. A fine American example of the genre is Yale University Press’s recent book on the cartoon affair.
Read the full interview here

PJM Political interview

Ed Driscoll of Pajamas Media interviewed Theodore Dalrymple last Saturday on his PJM Political radio show on the Patriot channel of Sirius satellite radio. The 20-minute interview touched on the highlights of Dalrymple’s new book The New Vichy Syndrome. Dalrymple argues in the interview that Western liberal intellectuals have seized on the inevitable dark periods of history to undermine confidence in Western society; that the great artistic, moral and technical accomplishments of Western civilization have been rejected or ignored; and that while extreme Islam does represent a challenge to the West, it is mostly a function of simultaneous doubt among Muslims about the future of Islam and the spinelessness of the Western elite.

Listen here

The Daniel Hannan Interview

On February 23 in London, MEP Daniel Hannan interviewed Theodore Dalrymple in a public event sponsored by Monday Books, the publisher of Dalrymple’s two latest works, Not With a Bang But a Whimper and Second Opinion. Topics included the nature of British poverty, the National Health Service, myths of opiate addiction and the growing nomenklatura that rules Britain.