3 thoughts on “Theodore Dalrymple – The Truth About Crime

  1. Julien

    AD deading the Skeptical Doctor crew with that last question. “Where can people find your work?” “Amazon”. Cmon give us some love AD

    1. David Seri Post author

      Hi, Julien. I waited with bated breath at that moment of the interview and you can imagine my reaction at that missed opportunity from TD. We need to get a new marketing strategy rolled out for 2022. Cheers.

  2. Michael

    Fascinating interview . . . Hope these words find the Dalrymple eye and have him comment on something of possible interest.
    ‘The Great Bagel Survey’/’What the Bagel Man Saw’ (a study of ‘white-collar’ crime) appeared in a chapter of ‘Freakonomics’ (2009) drawn from the detailed study of a highly qualified professional statistician. The man seems to have proven, with very little doubt that :
    9 in 13 people are always honest. We’ve all met them.
    3 in 13 people are always honest, but only ‘if they can afford to be’. Some of us have been there.
    1 in 13 people cannot be trusted under any circumstances what-so-ever. These are the folks who will ruin you life if they find it convenient . . . but only if they can . . . and if you allow them.
    The moral to be taken is be very very careful about who you invite to what might be your ‘last supper’.


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